what did you dedicate tyrion to warhammer 2

Finubar the Seafarer is the current Phoenix Male monarch of Ulthuan. He was already famous for his voyages to the Sometime World before beingness elected by the princes of the High Elves.


Finubar is described as tall, narrow of face up and keen of centre.[7a] Indeed, the handsome monarch is noted for having a look of one "whose eyes were ever seeking the side by side horizon", with light-green eyes that friction match the thousands of gems set within the Emerald Gate of Lothern. His blond hair is almost as pale every bit the cloaks of his White Lion bodyguards. During a siege on Lothern by the Dark Elves, he was noted for wearing scarlet dragonscale armour and a shimmering cloak of mist and shadow.[6a]

Though he can't explain how, Finubar is able to see when Elves are of "effect". For example, existence able to tell if an Elf is of the Blood of Aenarion, and how strongly. He says it's one of the gifts of being Phoenix Rex. He knows, or rather the part of him that was touched by the Flame of Asuryan knows, and it deigns to communicate its knowledge to him. Even so, even before ascending to the throne, when Finubar was a captain on his begetter's ships, he could tell when a storm would exist a bad one, or whether the wind was about to suddenly modify.[7a]

When Teclis start met Finubar, age sixteen, he saw an air that reminded the prince of every other Lothern merchant or captain he had thus far encountered. However information technology was that the Phoenix King had been touched by a Power that interested Teclis. Fifty-fifty though it was well concealed - hidden deeply, in fact - Teclis could sense it. Finubar's whole body was saturated with magical energy of a particular kind. He had no doubtfulness that if he were to gaze upon the Sacred Flame of Asuryan, he would notice the same force inside it. Granted, Teclis was not sure entirely what the magic of the Sacred Flame did for Finubar. It was, of course, a measure of the god's blessing, but it seemed unlikely that and then much energy could have been imprinted on him for only that consequence. When Finubar spoke to him, Teclis sensed something foreign in the King'southward voice. It was as if Finubar were acting a part of someone attempting to put someone else at ease without really having a connexion with them at all. Indeed, Finubar reasoned that the young Elf could see the Flame, explaining that Loremasters, Archmages, and those sensitive to magic tin can run across it. When asked what it was like, Finubar claimed it was non at all what he expected before passing into the Flame, and that it was not entirely comfortable thing to spend your life in the presence of a living god. He then said that was all he was immune to say, and Teclis knew who it was that forbade the Phoenix King.[7a]

The Eleventh Phoenix King wields a sword of starmetal, its blade curved in the mode of Southland warriors and gilded like the final arc of sunset. The blade had been a gift from i of the coastal potentates of Ind, a country of exotic spices and strange rituals. Finubar had saved the life of the king's daughter, and had received this wondrous bract in return. No smith trained in the Anvil of Vaul could unlock the mysteries of its creation, but the ability of the magic worked into its blade was beyond question. When Finubar speaks the word of power, molten calorie-free erupts from the gilded blade. During a boxing against a hydra, he stabbed the blade into one of its mouths, activating his sword'southward magic to fill the monster's skull, golden burn streaming from its eyes before its head exploded in a welter of boiling claret and bone.[6a]

Historic period of the Seafarer

With the invaluable experience gained during his sojourn to the Onetime Globe, Finubar of Lothern was the prince all-time suited to understanding this new historic period. By temperament and experience he was fix to deal with the race of Men, and as a native of Lothern, he had grown up with an understanding of the worth of merchandise and a tolerant, cosmopolitan outlook on the world. In accordance with Bel-Hathor'south wishes, the ruling council elected Finubar. Thus, Finubar is the first Phoenix King to be called by his predecessor.[1a] [2a] [3a] [4a]

A few amongst the ruling quango were displeased with this appointment: perhaps they idea such a succession a break with all tradition. More probable, their sentiments were built-in of jealousy. Finubar's deportment did piffling to end such concerns. From the commencement, he was frequently content to leave the day to day diplomacy of his realm to the trusted members of his court. Indeed, in the early years of his reign, it seemed he was simply an infrequent company to his own realm, for he spent much fourth dimension travelling the world. Finubar'southward rivals spread rumour in his absence, their eyes ever on claiming the Phoenix Throne they once were denied. In the terminate, rebellious tongues were only stilled when the Everqueen, Alarielle, arrived unannounced at a meeting of the ruling council. Standing before the Phoenix Throne, she fixed her piercing gaze on each of the council in turn, and in icy tones reminded the princes where their loyalties truly lay. Thereafter, criticisms of Finubar'due south rule were decidedly muted.[1a] [2a]

As the years passed, Finubar's voyages became more than sporadic, though none could say whether his wanderlust was finally leaving him, or he had just constitute whatsoever it was he searched for. Increasingly, Finubar split his time between the business organisation of rule and taking counsel with Belannaer, i of the oldest and wisest Loremasters of Hoeth.[1a]

In the one hundred and thirty eight yr of Finubar's reign, the Great Chaos Incursion began, and information technology looked as if the Dark Powers had returned once more to claim the world. The Witch King himself returned at the head of a mighty host, and swept the defenders of Ulthuan before him. State of war raged across all Ulthuan'southward kingdoms. Avelorn burned, and for a time, it seemed as if the Everqueen was lost amongst the carnage, and the realm with her. Then, two mighty heroes, the twin brothers Tyrion and Teclis, arose to secure the realm and repel the invasion.[1a] [2a] [3a] [4a]

By the efforts of the extraordinary twins, the Dark Elves were driven off and Ulthuan was rescued from the brink of devastation. Finubar was greatly pleased by the twins' deeds, and brought them ever close into his councils -- the Phoenix King accounted that the terminal war had been but the opening skirmish in a new age of destruction, and was determined to command the loyalty of Ulthuan's mightiest heroes. In the years that followed, other heroes would join Tyrion and Teclis at Finubar'due south side, some of whom would proceed to go as famous equally whatever of the Phoenix Kings.[1a]

Since then, the world every bit grown darker. Despite the series of magical wards raised around the island in the reign of Bel-Korhadris, Norse raids on Ulthuan accept become ever more numerous. A horde of Goblins led by Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain fifty-fifty managed to pillage eastern Ulthuan. Dark Elf raiders have connected to commit innumerable acts of piracy. The hope of a new gold age of peace has faded, and the Elves and their new allies have looked again to their weapons.[1a] [2a]

For the Elves, the present holds both the hope of renewal and the threat of destruction. Their one-time enemies have grown stronger, while they in plow have go weaker. Ulthuan tin can nevertheless muster the mightiest fleets in the known earth and its armies are rightly feared past its foes, and yet the High Elves are a shadow of their former celebrity. Indeed, many on Ulthuan feel the greatest days of the Elves have passed.[1a] [2a] [3a] [4a]

Still every twelvemonth brings new opportunities to win glory and fight confronting evil. There are all the same mighty Elf heroes, courageous warriors and mages willing to stand against the Dark Powers, and the mighty Dragons, though few in number, are turning restless in their long sleep. In the northward, the Witch King stirs over again and the Widowmaker haunts the dreams of warriors, singing songs of forbidden glory to their desperate souls. Though they have dwindled and are weary, the High Elves however accept a corking part to play in the world before the final deed of their long drama is played out.[1a] [2a] [3a] [4a]

The Terminate Times


Attention, Empire Citizens!

This commodity contains information regarding The End Times, the final campaign that ended with the destruction of the world, which is considered canon by Games Workshop.

Between 2520 and 2523 IC massive daemonic incursions ravaged Ulthuan. The Phoenix Male monarch secluded himself in his belfry and refused to lead the defense. There, he came to the revelation that he and all the Phoenix Kings were cursed past Asuryan for being impostors who cheated their way through the flames via magical protection. Malekith projected his spirit form into Finubar's observatory and taunted him well-nigh everything that had come to pass. He then summoned a Bloodletter and locked Finubar in the room.

Despondent, the Phoenix King immune the Bloodletter to kill him, seeing suicide as the only option. Finabur's corpse was non discovered until 2524, upon which Tyrion was appointed Regent of Ulthuan. He was due to enter the flames and become the Phoenix King in a year's fourth dimension.[5a] Even so, and unexpectedly, Malekith and the rest of the Druchii abandoned Naggaroth and returned to Ulthuan. Tyrion drew the Widowmaker and became Khaine's avatar. Still, that was not plenty, and the Witch King defeated Tyrion, reclaiming his rightful place equally the Phoenix King.


  • When Prince Tyrion first met Finubar at the age of sixteen, the youth noted how something seemed to wait out from behind the Phoenix King'south eyes. It was not unfriendly, diameter him no malice, was even concerned for his welfare in a very afar fashion, just information technology was not something like him. Information technology was an entity of an entirely different species. [7a]
  • More than once, Finubar has told Tyrion to never bow to him, to which Tyrion - in good sense of humor - never listens. [6a]
  • Finubar enjoys betting gilt on games of Asur Chess with his White Lion bodyguards. [7a]
  • Finubar'due south called color for the uniforms of his guardians is naval blueish. [8a]


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Loftier Elves (eighth Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 27
  • 2: Warhammer Armies: Loftier Elves (seventh Edition)
    • 2a: pg. 30
  • 3: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (fifth Edition)
    • 3a: pg. 28
  • 4: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (quaternary Edition)
    • 4a: pg. 27
  • 5: The Curse of Khaine, by Gav Thorpe
    • 5a: Affiliate 31
  • vi: Sons of Ellyrion (novel) by Graham McNeill
    • 6a: Chapter five
  • 7: Claret of Aenarion (novel) by William King
    • 7a: Chapter 24
  • viii: Warhammer: Uniforms & Heraldry of the High Elves
    • 8a: pg. 12


Source: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Finubar

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