Sword Art Online Ost 1 Sword Art Online Aincrad

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Sword Fine art Online: Ainc... past
Reki Kawahara
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Lengyel Csaba If her an advance reader, then requite her the calorie-free novel. Afterward this, he like the anime series more, I think. But, don't add together volume 9 and upward content fo…more If her an advance reader, then give her the light novel. Later on this, he similar the anime series more than, I think. Simply, don't add volume ix and upwardly content for her, that's a pretty quick change in mood, unlike the previous arcs. (blood, head slaughter, and afterward volume 14 much more.)(less)

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Start your review of Sword Fine art Online: Aincrad, Vol. one (Sword Art Online Light Novel, #1)
Diane ϟ [ Lestrange ]

"A huge castle fabricated of stone and steel floating in an endless heaven.
That was all this world was.

Above, there were 100 floors stacking straight upward; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of.
Inside, in that location were a couple of large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roam

"A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky.
That was all this globe was.

In a higher place, there were 100 floors stacking straight upward; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data information technology consisted of.
Inside, there were a couple of large cities along with endless pocket-size calibration towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through was no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a urban center of the upper flooring, the « Teleport Gates » there and of every cities in the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels.

With these conditions, the huge castle had been steadily conquered for a long fourth dimension.

The proper name of the castle was « Aincrad », a globe of battles with swords that connected floating and had engulfed approximately vi thousand people. Otherwise known equally...

«Sword Art Online»

Have you e'er played video games? (Yes, I know, silly question given my (theoretical) audience out there.) How virtually an MMO RPG, like Globe of Warcraft, Ragnarok, RAN Online or Lord Of The Rings Online or any of half a dozen others?

If your answer is 'yes' to either of the above – or if y'all've been i of the much-enduring folk who've sat and watched someone play – then you'll sympathise with the initial premise of SWORD Art ONLINE. A new Virtual Reality MMORPG has just come out, and naturally thousands of people bought information technology and "Full Swoop".

Total Swoop is when humans connect to a realistic virtual earth, such as inside a game, by an innovation known as "Nervgear", which revolutionized in the gaming industry in May, 2022. Nervgear enables people to encounter, hear, gustation, smell and bear on in a virtual environment, and then everything they experience in a game will go realistic to them. Nervgear can block signals from the encephalon and the user's torso will exist immobilized so they don't act it out (kind of like when you're dreaming, you're paralyzed). Nervgear uses a helmet that covers nigh of a person's face up inside it. Inside, there are millions of signal unites stimulating the encephalon and creating this virtual environment.

Only ane small problem: the creator decided to play God, and has changed the program so that information technology's impossible to log out. Die in the game, and the VR helmets send an electric shock through your brain and then you die in real life also. The only way out? Shell the game, all the style up to Level 100.

SWORD Fine art ONLINE is based on a series of light novels by Reki Kawahara, the translations of which are available for free at Baka-Tsuki. I went to read them, both because I am enjoying the TV series and considering my experience is that novels tend to accept lovely fiddling details that fall by the adaptation wayside. Effect: primarily practiced! I can now testify that the series is remarkably true-blue to the original, and that the original novels are interesting in their own right, although I'd say they're fifty-fifty more audience-focused on people who are familiar with MMOs.

It is, however, a very different feel. To selection the nigh obvious, the kickoff book skips straight from the defoliation and panic of the first mean solar day in SAO to a signal nigh ii years later – in anime terms, from Episode 1 to Episode viii. The result is that Kirito's maturation from a self-alleged 'selfish' solo histrion to the person who falls in love with Asuna and freely gives data to people is somewhat more sharp, to the signal where I was confusedly trying to effigy out if he was meant to exist an unreliable narrator. On the other manus, the anime was able to take reward of the second book, which contains all sorts of side stories and character development.

Amend? Worse? It depends on what yous're looking for, and to a certain extent, which one yous encounter get-go. The brilliant side is that the two do go together so closely, then either is worth checking out.

Information technology's 4:30 A.Thousand now and that ways I've woken up all nighttime to consummate this volume.
This is the second light novel I've read ( the first is 5cm/s and I don't similar it ) and I totally love information technology!
I'yard an RPG player so I completely got into the idea of this book after several sentences. I beloved the way the writer developed the principal story, love the bond between the two main characters, dear the ending, and the world that the author created.
For a long time after reading Harry Potter that I have this feeling again
It's iv:30 A.Thou now and that means I've woken up all nighttime to complete this volume.
This is the 2d light novel I've read ( the first is 5cm/s and I don't like it ) and I totally honey it!
I'one thousand an RPG player so I completely got into the idea of this book after several sentences. I dearest the way the author developed the master story, love the bond between the 2 main characters, love the ending, and the world that the writer created.
For a long fourth dimension later on reading Harry Potter that I take this feeling again. The want feeling for an risk.
...more than
Alexandria Tale
IT'Due south SUPER Crawly!

I watched the anime first, and I was instantly hooked. Thanks for my bro for showing me this awesome low-cal novel, or more likely, the anime. The anime was well-made, with just a few scenes beingness omitted. I hope there would be second flavor of the anime!

Anyhow, the story is set in the futurity. On 2022, Japan had finally adult the first VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), with the applied science of Total Swoop, which allowed the actor to fully

Information technology'Due south SUPER AWESOME!

I watched the anime showtime, and I was instantly hooked. Cheers for my bro for showing me this awesome light novel, or more than likely, the anime. The anime was well-fabricated, with just a few scenes being omitted. I hope there would be second season of the anime!

Anyway, the story is ready in the hereafter. On 2022, Japan had finally developed the starting time VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), with the applied science of Total Dive, which immune the histrion to fully dive into the game equally if information technology was reality. Sword Art Online, was the first VRMMORPG game. Aincrad, the floating castle inside SAO, had 100 floors with diameter of 10 km. The way to go up to the adjacent floor was past defeating the boss in the current floor.

Kirigaya Kazuto, known as Kirito equally his ID, was one of the ten thousands of SAO players. At the first 24-hour interval, they were shocked by the ultimatum that they couldn't log out. Death in game, meant death in existent life, since when yous died (in game), the panel would fried your brain (in existent life). Removing the console was also unacceptable, since it would too triggered the programme to fry your brain. The only way to be free was completing all 100 floors. With that, ten thousands people from all range of ages were imprisoned until someone completed the yard quest.

I loved the anime when I first watched it and along with Prepare Histrion One gave me a strong interest in LitRPG. So for me this was the starting path of that new genre, other much older books deal with similar subject matter but for me this is the best. 4 1/ii stars.

I'm fortunate in that I have a re-create of the sound book Peter Lucky, a professional person voice histrion released on Youtube before he forced to take information technology downward. DreamstoryTheatre

If you are a fan of the anime or just looking for a good solid appearance

I loved the anime when I first watched information technology and along with Ready Player One gave me a strong interest in LitRPG. So for me this was the starting path of that new genre, other much older books deal with similar subject thing but for me this is the best. four i/two stars.

I'm fortunate in that I have a copy of the sound book Peter Lucky, a professional phonation player released on Youtube before he forced to have it downward. DreamstoryTheatre

If you are a fan of the anime or just looking for a good solid adventure story you tin can't go wrong with this book.

Sword Art Online is one of those where I absolutely beloved the idea but am really disappointed by the execution. I probably should have known meliorate because I didn't really like the anime when I tried to watch that, but I thought perhaps I'd get on amend when the novel. The novel pretty much reads like a clarification of the anime (I know the novel came first), although I've not read anything Japanese before so I don't know if that is the style to exaggeration emotions and psychical responses. I disl Sword Art Online is one of those where I absolutely love the thought but am really disappointed by the execution. I probably should have known better because I didn't actually like the anime when I tried to spotter that, simply I thought maybe I'd get on meliorate when the novel. The novel pretty much reads like a description of the anime (I know the novel came showtime), although I've not read anything Japanese earlier so I don't know if that is the style to exaggeration emotions and psychical responses. I dislike far more anime and JRPG games than I like (so far plant ii I only two I did like – Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia) and then I probably demand accept that these are genres that aren't for me!

The idea of Sword Fine art Online is just brilliant! Gamers become trapped within a virtual globe (a VRMMORPG) by the insane creature of the program, with their real life bodies held hostage in the outside earth. The virtual globe at present becomes their reality as they must work to beat the game if they ever hope to escape alive. It's but awesome, and the world of Aincrad is very well built as are all the mechanics of the game (which is pretty standard fantasy world merely without magic). The author also does a skilful chore of exploring the various reactions and emotions players experience equally a result of being trapped in the game.

The protagonist and narrator is Kiroto a sixteen twelvemonth onetime gaming fanatic, he was a beta tester then had the advantage of prior knowledge of the game come release twenty-four hours (the day they got trapped) and he has trained to a very high level. He plays solo, non wanting to exist part of a Lodge or the Army. And so we also accept Asuna, which is where things started to have a dive for me. Asuna is besides a very high level actor, incredibly skilled with a rapier sword (enough to earn her the moniker The Flash) and is supposedly a vice-commander in the best/biggest Guild in the game. So far so good… but then a lot of fourth dimension is spent describing how beautiful she is, and how not bad her trunk is... and it is THIS that makes her special, not her skill. Evidently no bonny or thin girls play games (in fact hardly any girls, SOA is a flake of sausagefest), so as a pretty 1 in a sea of uglies she stands out is something of celebrity (I should signal out that their avatars were turned off and their real life appearances revealed early on). Ok maybe I can run across past the painful sexism in that… but and so in that location are too many descriptions of her adept looks, and coupled with the analogy of her in in underwear (actually the copy I take has two.. i in full colour. Note that all the illustrations of Kiroto show him being hero and fully clothed). She's constantly sexualised and information technology makes me feel icky.

I also don't really empathise her personality. I expected her to be a badass and as a vice-commander have ab it of authority, a bit of something most her. She seems to substantially be a bays for the Guild, you lot don't see her involved in it at all other than her wish to leave to be with Kiroto. She has armed escort all the time, and information technology seems like she is only kept locked abroad. When it comes down to it all she wants is to exist Kirotos married woman and live in a lilliputian cottage (she'due south a master Cook too.. he loves her sandwiches *eyeroll*). They run off and give up the fight at one point to do this! I suppose Japanese social club is still pretty male chauvinist, and this is fairly typical of the genre... but that doesn't mean it didn't deeply irritate me!

This is a love story when it comes downward to it... and once again i I didn't believe in. They experience in love actually fast, and ok yes they're teenagers, but it was all a flake intense with very little foundation. It all comes to a flake of an precipitous end besides which surprised me... I know this is series, then I don't know how the timeline works on in further books. I recall I'd rather have read about the early days than the two year leap forward that we get in this book.

I likewise struggled a bit with the way it was written. Considering it is an English translation of the original Japanese I found it overly descriptive, and often you lot go three or iv words to describe something that if the original language would be conveyed with but one give-and-take. Everything is exaggerated also only I accept a feeling that is part of the way. It is piece of cake to read, but not to exist personal gustation.

At that place are things to dearest about it but there every bit more I hated. Very disappointing because I am in love with the idea of being trapped in the VRMMORPG!

I'1000 a huge fan of Sword Art Online having seen the anime (both SAO and SAO II and SAO Ordinal Scale), and having read parts of the SAO manga. I still find it a chip difficult to navigate between the manga and light novels of SAO.

I love the concept (regardless of how horrible it is) of SAO, seriously, information technology is so interesting. My favourite arc is definitely the Aincrad arc, equally that arc is the most intriguing for me. I do want to acknowledge the criticism that SAO have received, a lot of information technology I agree wi

I'm a huge fan of Sword Art Online having seen the anime (both SAO and SAO Ii and SAO Ordinal Scale), and having read parts of the SAO manga. I still discover it a bit difficult to navigate between the manga and light novels of SAO.

I love the concept (regardless of how horrible information technology is) of SAO, seriously, it is so interesting. My favourite arc is definitely the Aincrad arc, as that arc is the about intriguing for me. I practice want to acknowledge the criticism that SAO have received, a lot of it I agree with; similar how the characters are, the writing and pacing. But yet, the concept of SAO and the Aincrad arc is but then fascinating, although it could have been executed in a better manner.

Having seen the anime, I pretty much knew everything happening, although the timeline to the anime makes more sense then the numbering of the light novel volumes. Simply, I will give the lite novels the do good that they provide more than depth and background, although at that place are errors in the continuity (equally the author is now backtracking SAO through SAO: Progressive). Just those are minor when you wait at the Sword Art Online light novels. However, if you're looking towards the Sword Art Online: Progressive light novels (expands the Aincrad arc), you should be prepared for a lot differences betweeen the "original" SAO and the expanded version of the Aincrad arc.

I really like the premise of this story. I am actually loving the anime so far (my impatience to meet more than episodes is what led me do finding the light novel). I was surprised by how well done the translation seemed - for the about part reading this in English language seemed really natural. For some reason that I only can't quite put my finger on, I tin't give this more than than two stars. The fashion Kirito and Asuna's human relationship developed kind of bellyaching me. It seemed a piffling rushed and forced. Possibly it was I really like the premise of this story. I am really loving the anime then far (my impatience to see more episodes is what led me do finding the low-cal novel). I was surprised past how well done the translation seemed - for the most part reading this in English seemed really natural. For some reason that I just can't quite put my finger on, I tin can't give this more than 2 stars. The way Kirito and Asuna's human relationship developed kind of annoyed me. Information technology seemed a little rushed and forced. Perhaps it was the society of events. We don't learn until the very stop of the book why Kirito is so important to Asuna. In the anime we see these aforementioned events playing out chronologically and nosotros meet them drawing together. I think that works a piddling better. I besides idea Asuna's graphic symbol seemed a picayune forced at times - some of the things she said and did didn't really seem to match her personality.

The ending was really surprising and not what I expected at all. The kickoff and end of the book were the best - the heart is what drops my rating down to two stars. I'm interested to come across what happens side by side and so I might skip volume two and go straight onto #3.

...more than
Grace, Queen of Crows and Tomes
And then, I watched the anime first and I liked it. Information technology wasn't the greatest anime ever as people claimed it to be, but I enjoyed information technology. Then someone recommended the books to me and said that the books were meliorate. Now that I accept read this one, I gotta agree that the books are better!!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book plus I actually liked finally having some of the game mechanics ameliorate explained! It also helped reply some questions that I had that the anime just kind of glossed over. I will probab Then, I watched the anime first and I liked it. It wasn't the greatest anime ever as people claimed information technology to be, simply I enjoyed it. Then someone recommended the books to me and said that the books were better. Now that I have read this i, I gotta concur that the books are improve!!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book plus I actually liked finally having some of the game mechanics better explained! It also helped answer some questions that I had that the anime just kind of glossed over. I will probably be reading the rest of this serial eventually and since I already have the 2nd one, I volition exist starting that one next! ...more
Absolutely LOVED this light novel! If i could give more stars i would.

What i like well-nigh about this story is it wasnt even written to be a published title. Only it was written with 100% heart and imagination.

Cute and sorry tale of a large group of people beingness stuck together in a virtual reality earth where they have to fight for their lives. It shows compassion, fear and love.

The main characters are both very likable and all you can do is wish and hope that they escape the virtual living hell t

Absolutely LOVED this lite novel! If i could requite more stars i would.

What i similar most most this story is information technology wasnt even written to be a published title. But it was written with 100% middle and imagination.

Beautiful and sad tale of a large grouping of people existence stuck together in a virtual reality world where they have to fight for their lives. Information technology shows compassion, fear and love.

The main characters are both very likable and all you lot can do is wish and promise that they escape the virtual living hell to be together back in existent japan.

Would recommend this even to people who havent read the shoddy manga version and the anime. Infact, i would urge people to read this kickoff. I wish i had.

*thumbs up*

You can also find my reviews here:
http://lilythenovelnerd.wordpress.com/ (tho they are alot more colourful)

The outset of this series is really 5 stars. I really had high hopes for it, but as it goes on information technology actually gets poor. That being said, I notwithstanding enjoy it.

Worth reading & watching

Not very well-written and it got confusing at times who was speaking. But I can forgive that; it's not meant to be great literature. The writing style was quickly put to the dorsum of my heed with my main issue of the book: the sexism in how the One female grapheme in the book was portrayed.
one, of the very few illustrations included in the volume, of class two of them had to be her fatigued bashful in her underwear.
2, she is supposedly a badass, high level fighter in the game, including being the vic
Not very well-written and information technology got confusing at times who was speaking. But I can forgive that; information technology'due south non meant to exist great literature. The writing manner was speedily put to the dorsum of my mind with my main issue of the book: the sexism in how the One female graphic symbol in the book was portrayed.
1, of the very few illustrations included in the book, of course ii of them had to be her drawn bashful in her underwear.
2, she is supposedly a badass, high level fighter in the game, including being the vice president of a very powerful social club. Yet she is constantly assigned suffocating guards and not allowed to take a personal leave of absence from work until the males in her life come to an agreement on her behalf.
3, the book explains how there are next to no female characters because Patently female person gamers are pretty much unheard of, right boys?
4, 75% of scenes she is in, the inner monologue of the main character is only commenting about her "cute appearance", and how remarkable information technology is that she's even in this game since she'south so beautiful. I say over again, c'mon guys, female gamers don't be! But Specially not any bonny ones! As IF!
5, I really wanted to like her and respect her. Simply it honestly doesn't make sense to me that she achieved her role as gild vice president. She was a great fighter when she really fought something. Merely otherwise and in regular everyday times, a switch was flipped in her personality and she became timid to the point of literally swooning a few times, unable to lead with her ain vocalism to those who were supposedly field of study to her, merely concerned most her dear interest and his desires and, I kid you not, COOKING AND CLEANING FOR HIM WHILE HE JUST READ THE Paper. And fine, maybe that's what she loves to do. But all in all her character and how she was able to achieve her career (which didn't actually hold whatsoever power that it should have) just didn't add up to me. Yes she could use a weapon. Otherwise she didn't even seem to WANT anything except her honey interest.
Lawd. Apologies for the long review that turned into a rant. 2 stars, considering I dear the concept. Didn't intendance for the execution.
Shayan Kh
three.5 stars.

Similar many others, I watched the anime first. I didn't even know there were such things as light novels. I thought in that location are manga and anime. And anime takes a lot of fourth dimension, and I don't really like reading graphical novels, in fact, I didn't count any of the manga series I read in my "read" group on this site.
But light novels are great in my stance. So after I found out about this low-cal novel, it only took me a couple of hours to starting time it.
It was expert. Squeamish characters, beautiful wo

3.five stars.

Like many others, I watched the anime first. I didn't even know there were such things every bit light novels. I thought at that place are manga and anime. And anime takes a lot of time, and I don't really like reading graphical novels, in fact, I didn't count any of the manga series I read in my "read" group on this site.
But lite novels are great in my opinion. Then after I found out nigh this light novel, it only took me a couple of hours to start it.
It was good. Nice characters, beautiful worlds, thought-provoking premise...
I only had bug with romance in this story which felt a scrap forced. It was better in the anime, it was more developed. Just other than that, I accept no complaints. This was a good read.

Chloe Matthews
Went into this expecting very piffling - I was only reading it considering of Cole's dear of the anime. But oh my God, I really really liked information technology! Cole's bought me the second book for Christmas!
2.75 STARS

When my friend begged me to watch the Sword Art Online anime prior to me purchasing this volume, I was a bit sceptical. I've heard many great things near Sword Art Online, but the serial has been criticised equally well. I decided to buy the light novel first because in my feel, the manga/lite novel has most always been better than the anime.

The premise of the story profoundly interested me at first: thousands of hardcore games trapped in the very game they thought would assist them esca

ii.75 STARS

When my friend begged me to lookout man the Sword Art Online anime prior to me purchasing this book, I was a bit sceptical. I've heard many corking things about Sword Art Online, but the series has been criticised as well. I decided to buy the light novel get-go because in my experience, the manga/low-cal novel has almost ever been better than the anime.

The premise of the story greatly interested me at first: thousands of hardcore games trapped in the very game they idea would help them escape from reality, fighting to go out. Set up in the almost future, Sword Art Online tells the story of how the VMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) genre has go a reality in Japan. Thousands of gamers purchase the game, along with their very own NerveGear helmet, which basically connects them to the game.

For a short while, those gamers enjoy exploring the game, oblivious to the fact that information technology's just the tutorial level. Once the tutorial is over, the log-out button disappears from the in-game menu and the gamers are all stuck. The aim? Trounce all 100 levels of Aincrad and they're free. If they die in the game, the NerveGear fries their brain... and they die in existent life as well!

I've got no complaints about the book itself. The cover is very cute, and the kickoff few pages characteristic glossy full-color art of some of the scenes in the volume. Featured randomly throughout the volume are black and white pages featuring art relating to the current scene, although there are just about 5 of these pages. It'south quite short, beingness around 250 pages, and the font is neither big nor pocket-size.

Now I'll talk about why I gave this book iii stars. To tell you the truth, I don't think this book lived up to all the hype. I felt like the story was extremely rushed, and quite predictable, at some places. After the players are told that they cannot leave the game, the story jumps ii years and they've already browbeaten 74 of Aincrad's levels, which left me confused. What truly happened in the backwash? I know that 2000 or so players seemingly died, but how? I do realise that the Sword Art Online Progressive series covers this, but it did go out me feeling a chip "empty".

The characters themselves are "OK" at average. I couldn't actually connect to Kirito, the main graphic symbol. He seemed to be proficient at everything, actually. He has a unique skill (the power to duel wield blades), is 1 of the most powerful players in the entire game and even catches the attending of the chief female character! All the same, I didn't really know much most him, so he felt a bit two-dimensional to me.

Now let's talk about Asuna, the chief female character. I don't recollect she was very well written. For a grapheme that's supposed to be extremely powerful and a tough individual, she sure does spend most of her time crying and being vulnerable. One scene she's punching Kirito in the face up, calling him and idiot, and the side by side she'south crying in his arms. In other words, her personality isn't consistent, and the writer doesn't show us how she'southward so tough and and then bad-ass. We're told this by other characters. In fact, (view spoiler)[ her romance with Kirito seemed too rushed, because I just don't run into their chemistry at all. What practise they even come across in each other? I don't know. In fact, I shouldn't even be tagging this as a spoiler considering let'south face information technology, it was obvious that they would go together. I was too bothered by how, afterwards they married, all she wanted to do was cook for him and exist the perfect submissive wife. Umm, sexist much? I become information technology if that'southward her selection, there's cypher incorrect with that, but her priority in this book shouldn't exist Kirito, it should be getting the hell out of this game! (hide spoiler)] There'due south quite a lot of fanservice in the book: some illustrations of her in her underwear, looking shy. I'll admit that I practise realise this series is primarily aimed towards men, but I detest to see potentially good female characters being reduced to damsels-in-distresses or objects of lust for men. We go it that she's the most beautiful woman in Aincrad! Even so, that shouldn't be the main indicate.

The storyline itself felt rushed and predictable to me. The ending went by and so rapidly I was left speechless, and non in a practiced mode. It was besides fairly obvious to me from the showtime of the novel that (view spoiler)[ the creator of the game would be the last boss battle. However, even that only lasted a few pages. (hide spoiler)]

However, I'm going to contradict everything I just said by saying that I will be buying the next book. I have hope in this series. While the characters to me were a chip bland, I still love the idea behind this book. I did love learning almost the globe of Aincrad and, beingness a lover of MMORPGs myself, I loved reading a volume total of characters like myself who love those games a bit too much! I'll be ownership the adjacent volume in hope that the characters themselves volition ameliorate, despite the book's obvious flaws.

James F. Evans
First off, have to say, that the Anime brought me hither... anyone who wasn't draw to the light novels afterwards the anime is either lazy/dumb or both...

SAO #i follows the story of Kirito within a futuristic virtual game in which a person becomes the avatar in the game and is fully set inside the game, to the point in which a few software modifications can leave you trapped inside, without any fashion out, except the game'south developer overwriting the code... *wink*

The story develops beautifully and takes y

First off, have to say, that the Anime brought me here... anyone who wasn't draw to the light novels after the anime is either lazy/dumb or both...

SAO #1 follows the story of Kirito inside a futuristic virtual game in which a person becomes the avatar in the game and is fully set inside the game, to the point in which a few software modifications tin can leave you trapped inside, without any mode out, except the game's developer overwriting the code... *wink*

The story develops beautifully and takes you lot through the journey of Kirito as he meets friends and struggles with his own personality and decisions. We get to encounter every bit he encounters Asuna and thereafter develops a romantic human relationship with her and at the same fourth dimension fights for the survival of the one he loves, Asuna.

Fighting for Asuna gives new light to Kirito, equally earlier he fought... well... to fight...

SAO give us everything from a dandy world and setting, to a neat plot and back-story, to nifty characters and interactions, to an amazing adventure and romantic story. Fights, adventure, love, death, mind-blowing, human nature, human dream, and sex. (Chapter 16.v might not exist included in all version of this low-cal novel.)

All in all, SAO #1 is one of the best light novels I take read in my life and the reset of the series is also amazing!

...more than
My recommendation would be to watch the anime first. I was surprised to find that this two book story arc was really just one volume of the overall arc then another book of side stories and character evolution. So, this volume covers the first episode, but then jumps to the 74th floor and finishes at the cease. Kirito and Asuna already know each other and characters such as Silica and Lisbeth don't make any appearance in this volume. The most startling absence was Yui. It seemed strange fo My recommendation would be to lookout the anime first. I was surprised to discover that this two volume story arc was really just one volume of the overall arc and and so another volume of side stories and character development. And then, this volume covers the first episode, but so jumps to the 74th floor and finishes at the stop. Kirito and Asuna already know each other and characters such as Silica and Lisbeth don't make any appearance in this volume. The well-nigh startling absence was Yui. Information technology seemed strange for her not to be introduced or on the minds of the main characters. Basically, this introduces and ends the main, interesting story, only lacks in the grapheme development from all the other things going on in the world, which aren't covered until the side by side volume, and then it's a fleck disjointed. The anime combines them, so it makes more sense. Overall, since I've seen the show, I did enjoy reading this since I already knew the characters, it just wouldn't be what I'd recommend every bit a starting point for this story, even if this came starting time. ...more
Sean O'Hara
Sword Art Online: Aincrad (bachelor in English through Baka Tsuki)

Imagine that at that place's a revolutionary new VR game platform -- not one of those lame things from the '90s where you lot strapped a low-res LCD over your eyes and used a primitive motion controller to play. No, this is the real thing, a helmet that taps directly into your brain, giving y'all a fully immersive experience in a virtual world that stimulates all your senses.

Now imagine that all the games for the platform suck -- it's a new sy

Sword Art Online: Aincrad (available in English language through Baka Tsuki)

Imagine that there's a revolutionary new VR game platform -- not one of those lame things from the '90s where you strapped a depression-res LCD over your eyes and used a primitive motion controller to play. No, this is the existent thing, a helmet that taps directly into your encephalon, giving you a fully immersive experience in a virtual earth that stimulates all your senses.

Now imagine that all the games for the platform suck -- it'southward a new system, radically dissimilar from anything else on the market, so developers haven't had a chance to create any decent games. It's the Wii all over once more. But and so one programmer announces that they're working on an VRMMORPG chosen Sword Art Online. The beta-testers rave most the game, proverb it makes WoW look like Pac-Human.

Then on the day of release, you skip work and stand in line to get a copy. You race home, pop information technology in the motorcar, and log on.


You lot've merely been screwed.

Later on playing for a couple hours, learning how the game works and earning a few XP, yous open the main carte and try to log-off -- only the log-off icon is missing. You lot consult other players but none of them can get out the game either and PMs to the sysadmins go unanswered. And because the machine paralyzes yous while playing to prevent you from injuring yourself, you lot have no way of physically disconnecting yourself.

Turns out the company that designed the game is owned past the adjacent generation of Bond villain. Instead of hijacking nuclear missiles, he'south decided to hold gamers earnest in this virtual world. Whatever effort by outsiders to disconnect a player volition result in the machine frying the histrion's encephalon. Luckily the machines accept their own congenital in UPS which should be sufficient for players to be moved to hospitals for long term intendance. Considering they're going to be hither a while -- the but manner out of SAO is for someone to defeat the final boss on the 100th level. And if you dice on the style, the machine will fry your brain.

Sword Art Online started as an online novel. Later on Reki Kawahara won the Dengeki Bunko Novel Award for Accel World (set up in the same universe several decades afterwards), his publisher decided to put SAO out likewise and it quickly became a mega-hit, rising through the ranks of the "This Light Novel is Amazing" poll until it took the top spot last yr, beating out perennial favorites similar Haruhi Suzumiya, Baka and Test, and Index. Both SAO and Accel World have anime adaptations airing this yr.

The story isn't without its problem. In particular, the villain -- who is essentially committing a terrorist human activity greater than everything al Qaeda has ever done put together -- has no motivation beyond the lulz and exists mainly as an excuse for the story to have place, while the hero, who is of class the best thespian in the game, is a bit of a Mary Sue. Still, it's like shooting fish in a barrel to ignore these problems since they're coated over with sheer awesome.

The prologue was practiced in centering the reader in this YA/shonen world, merely the explanations of in-game mechanics--which were for the most part basic for anyone who's played RPGs--could've been left out or shunted to an appendix. Lots of lackluster, static description of the game earth.

Great poetic description of (view spoiler)[Kirito's (hibernate spoiler)] game death, but overall at that place is not much characterization nor grapheme groundwork. Kawahara could've put Kirito'southward motivation for not joi

The prologue was good in centering the reader in this YA/shonen world, only the explanations of in-game mechanics--which were for the most part bones for anyone who'south played RPGs--could've been left out or shunted to an appendix. Lots of lackluster, static description of the game earth.

Great poetic clarification of (view spoiler)[Kirito's (hibernate spoiler)] game death, but overall there is not much characterization nor character background. Kawahara could've put Kirito'southward motivation for not joining a gild earlier in the story--that was a actually moving and important character motivation. Furthermore, the narrative is as well dense w/pocket-sized emotions and mannerisms that interfere with the menses.

Personal Notes
This book was probably spoiled by the fact that I already watched the anime. On the other paw, perhaps the characters are too young and the characterization is besides shallow. I haven't even so found a light novel that I like out of the around iv or then that I've read. Volume Girl and the Suicidal Mime is next.

Plainly, Kawahara's アクセル・ワールド one -黒雪姫の帰還- Akuseru Wārudo 1: Kuroyukihime no Kikan won the Dengeki Novel Prize yard prize for $1M ¥ in 2008, merely I'g a piffling reluctant since to read it because I watched that anime too.

Well, that was fun.

Quite enjoyable. This volume was my reward for beingness faithful to track my calories and exercise for a week. It was a practiced reward, peculiarly seeing as how it got me through about a whole week of doing the same thing.

On to the story. Hmm. I enjoyed it, don't become me wrong. It was beautiful...only...I call up I like the Progressive series better! This was just a tad as well fast paced for me. The sequence of Asuna and Kirito falling in dear was...well...unbelievable. There wasn't enough cont

Well, that was fun.

Quite enjoyable. This book was my reward for beingness faithful to runway my calories and exercise for a week. It was a skilful reward, especially seeing as how it got me through near a whole week of doing the same thing.

On to the story. Hmm. I enjoyed information technology, don't get me wrong. It was cute...but...I think I like the Progressive series better! This was just a tad too fast paced for me. The sequence of Asuna and Kirito falling in love was...well...unbelievable. In that location wasn't enough context or background, it merely kind of happened out of thin air. While I tin can sympathise that happening on his function. I can't really go effectually Asuna just being so forward and going afterward him like that. Simply...a drastic situation I suppose could exercise that. I just didn't think so. I enjoyed Progressive more than because it was much more gradual, and it gives a lot of background as well. I'k glad that the anime combined bits of Progressive and bits of the original serial, I call up information technology made the dear story flow much better.

All in all, I thought it was also curt! The story has just barely begun! I suppose I volition accept to purchase the side by side volume for my next reward...only books 2-4 are at my local library...if only they would open up again!!! Even if they only allowed people in by appointment and each person had but 30 minutes in the library that would exist ameliorate than this forced fast from books! I want to read the next ones! And I don't desire to buy them!

...more than
Nerdish Mum
I had watched the anime starting time earlier this year and I wasn't aware that information technology was based on a book as I'yard adequately new to the manga and anime scene. When I establish out in that location was a volume I needed to check information technology out to encounter if the anime had washed it justice.
Though the anime is absolutely excellent, I definitely preffeed the volume. I feel that the whole story developed meliorate and in a more natural fashion than it did in the show. The character development was more detailed and you lot learnt extra snippets of informatio
I had watched the anime first before this twelvemonth and I wasn't aware that it was based on a book as I'grand fairly new to the manga and anime scene. When I found out there was a book I needed to check it out to encounter if the anime had washed it justice.
Though the anime is admittedly excellent, I definitely preffeed the volume. I experience that the whole story developed ameliorate and in a more natural way than it did in the show. The character development was more detailed and you learnt extra snippets of data about the world and the characters in it.
The thought of the story is both genius and terrifying as we are getting closer and closer to VMMORPG's being a reality.
I do love the characters of Kirito and Asuna and I also love Klein and Agil, I experience this story is full of peachy and interesting people. I recollect the love story is also done very well and though yep it may happen faster than for some people in real life, this isn't a existent life situation, it's a life and death situation.
I really enjoyed this and I will be picking up the rest of the books to carry on with the take a chance.
...more than
OMG, what a corking story, information technology fabricated me yell! I beloved how Japanese people are always so drastic with their stories, this is about a virtual game where people log in, and so they get stuck in there, no log out function... and the worst pad is that if they die in the game, they dice in existent life. Simply mode out is immigration out all 100 floors. It seems elementary enough of a story, but I gotta requite information technology to the author, it'southward an amazing story, with enough twists that kept me interested, made me yell and didn't se OMG, what a peachy story, it made me yell! I honey how Japanese people are always and so desperate with their stories, this is nigh a virtual game where people log in, and so they get stuck in there, no log out role... and the worst pad is that if they die in the game, they die in real life. Only way out is clearing out all 100 floors. Information technology seems unproblematic enough of a story, but I gotta give information technology to the author, it's an amazing story, with plenty twists that kept me interested, made me yell and didn't see coming at all.
I want more books!!!
...more than
Sir Sorrow
Every bit a fan of the anime I was worried about reading it (I know the novel came first) in case my opinion changed and it did while its withal mu favourite anime the volume is intense and gives a broader scope of the story and globe.

The love story in the book is deeper and is explained well. The fights are intense and is funny all at the same time I deceit look for book two!!

I enjoyed the ending, but I enjoyed the anime much more. I volition probably option up book two because I hear it's better than this ane, and it contains some of my favorite arcs from the anime.
I enjoyed the ending, simply I enjoyed the anime much more. I will probably pick up book two because I hear it's improve than this ane, and it contains some of my favorite arcs from the anime.
...more than
Angel 一匹狼
"ソードアート・オンライン" is probably the about famous (or at least one of the most) serial of light novels to have come out of Japan. 10000 players become stuck into a virtual reality role playing game after its creator decides to get all evil and make the game into simply more than than a pastime. If you die in the game you die in real life, yous cannot disconnect, and till someone passes the game, everyone is stuck in that location. Our hero, a loner, is Kirito, your run-of-the-mill hero in Japanese novels for boys: on top of "ソードアート・オンライン" is probably the most famous (or at least ane of the nigh) series of light novels to have come out of Nihon. 10000 players get stuck into a virtual reality role playing game afterward its creator decides to go all evil and make the game into just more a pastime. If yous die in the game you die in real life, you cannot disconnect, and till someone passes the game, everyone is stuck in that location. Our hero, a loner, is Kirito, your run-of-the-mill hero in Japanese novels for boys: on height of being a loner, he has issues talking with girls, he always feels like sacrificing himself, and is, past some foreign reason, supermega-powerful and special. But well, all those heroes of YA are also special, cool, handsome and so and and then.

If Kawahara had only stuck to the ramifications of the set up, with a look into what makes humans tick, and how they change when they are stuck in a game that replicates, just not totally, real life, this could accept been a masterpiece (or close to). And, in particular at the beginning, you lot can see what he could have washed with the job, with Kirito existence more than a cardboard-cutting grapheme and some interesting situations. However, Kawahara wants to sell usa a love story and here comes Asuna, your run-of-the-mill female graphic symbol in this kind of novels: shy-but-non-shy, secretly in dear with Kirito, seemingly strong simply always hiding herself behind the hero and, more than chiefly, desiring to be cute and please our Kirito. Information technology reeks, sorry, Kawahara. At least it is way improve than in the starting time volume of his other series "アクセル・ワールド1-黒雪姫の帰還ー".

Only if having a female character but wanting to please our hero, be a housewife for, exist beautiful and funny for, and to cook things for, is bad, and having our hero 'protect'/'show possession of' her on giddy situations takes from the story (the duel is just risible), Kawahara also fails to deliver on his fantasy globe, just deciding to rush things on the 3rd function, going from zip happening to an catastrophe that destroys much of the good work he had done in creating this fantasy world.

Too bad. Because this could be really entertaining.

The all-time: the earth, which feels alive and information technology is attractive

The worst: it is rushed; Kawahara gender politics

Alternatives: why, merely oh, why, have all of those light novels have a problem around gender, sexuality and gender relations? Probably the best is a spin-off from this very same serial of novels: "ソードアート・オンライン オルタナティブ クローバーズ・リグレット". Or maybe some of the "バッカーノ!" series. From YA, "The Hunger Games" would be a practiced selection.


(Original Japanese)

Dimitri Gomes
Let me preface this by saying I was a big fan of SAO'south anime adaptation. Because of that, I wanted to delve into its original source material and run across what other adventures awaited Kirito and Asuna. Unfortunately, there wasn't much on offer.

To be clear, this volume is not desperately written. In fact, I thought some of its descriptive moments were very enjoyable for such a narrative-focused book. The structure of the light novel is different from the anime in that it starts off further into Kirito'due south time

Let me preface this past maxim I was a big fan of SAO's anime adaptation. Considering of that, I wanted to delve into its original source material and come across what other adventures awaited Kirito and Asuna. Unfortunately, there wasn't much on offering.

To be clear, this book is non badly written. In fact, I idea some of its descriptive moments were very enjoyable for such a narrative-focused book. The construction of the lite novel is dissimilar from the anime in that information technology starts off farther into Kirito'south time in Aincrad. This was good, in the sense that information technology kept things interesting to me equally a familiar fan of the series; nonetheless, it also had a major drawback (which I'll get to in a second).

The main negative aspect of this book is its portrayal of Asuna. In the anime, Asuna is a strong character who fights alongside Kirito on numerous occasions. Their dear story is so endearing and entrancing, because we come across it grow from their first meeting together on the early floors of Aincrad. The novel, notwithstanding, doesn't feature any of that. Kirito only befriends Asuna much later in the written canon, so all of the development of their relationship feels rushed and contrived as it lacks the steady progression featured in the anime. Asuna's character is likewise heavily stereotypical of ideal Japanese female charactereristics of her time e.g. existence intrinsically beautiful, traditionally feminine, a good cook and completely reliant on Kirito (despite Kirito'due south emphasising remarks of how 'strong' she is).

On the whole, this novel'south characters suffer from anile ideals which are no longer encouraged in mod lodge. I don't want to sound like I'grand preaching about representation, only I practise feel Asuna deserved to have been portrayed as a stronger character. That existence said, if you're just looking for a light narrative read, possibly you'll still enjoy this. However, objectively, I would recommend its anime instead.

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click here. 4/v..hard to say

I am a huge lover and supporter of Sword Art Online then it was great to read the light novel that started it all. In the volume you lot go to see a bit more behind the scenes, just not as much as I was hoping (the anime is such a faithful rendering that there wasn't much extra even in the way of dialogue.) The five stars is mainly because I couldn't rate something SAO less than 5/five and also I'grand glad to have read it, merely I don't know how much I would beloved it if I wasn't already obsessed

4/five..difficult to say

I am a huge lover and supporter of Sword Art Online so it was bully to read the light novel that started it all. In the book you go to see a bit more than behind the scenes, but not as much as I was hoping (the anime is such a faithful rendering that there wasn't much actress even in the way of dialogue.) The v stars is mainly considering I couldn't rate something SAO less than v/five and also I'm glad to have read information technology, but I don't know how much I would honey information technology if I wasn't already obsessed with the anime. I'm nigh excited to keep reading to when the books go beyond where the show leaves off so that I can get all new adventures.

...more than
I've had this on my shelf for about three years because it was bought for me when I watched the anime. Reading the book brought dorsum all the warm fuzzy feelings about Kirito and Asuna and I'm so glad I finally got around to it.

The book is a bit calorie-free on the details and I would dear to see more of Aincrad because information technology'southward my dream game only I'thousand looking forwards to the next book and the adjacent game.

I've had this on my shelf for about 3 years considering it was bought for me when I watched the anime. Reading the book brought back all the warm fuzzy feelings nearly Kirito and Asuna and I'1000 so glad I finally got effectually to it.

The book is a flake light on the details and I would love to see more than of Aincrad considering it'due south my dream game but I'chiliad looking forward to the next book and the side by side game.

...more than
Never really gave the anime much of a chance, simply this light novel was corking. I'm definitely going to be getting more volumes. Never really gave the anime much of a chance, only this low-cal novel was bang-up. I'chiliad definitely going to exist getting more volumes. ...more
I absolutely dear this globe and these characters
Stephanie Allen
I didn't know what to expect when I picked upwards this book. I'm a huge fan of the anime series and I wondered if the novel would be better. I'chiliad honestly shocked at how few details were in this first book in comparison to the evidence. However, afterwards reading Reki Kawahara's explanation on how SAO came to be, it makes sense. I actually enjoyed this. I didn't know what to wait when I picked upwardly this book. I'k a huge fan of the anime series and I wondered if the novel would exist better. I'one thousand honestly shocked at how few details were in this beginning book in comparison to the show. However, after reading Reki Kawahara's explanation on how SAO came to be, it makes sense. I really enjoyed this. ...more than
Kawahara Reki (川原 礫) is the writer of Sword Art Online and Accel World. He also uses the pen name Kunori Fumio. His hobby is cycling.

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